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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > I Love You > I always knew

I always knew
by Illuminati
And here I am now
It has been a long and lonely road
As I have flown on the oceans of belief
Throughout all my life
To reach the coast of your heart

There's no end to the lengths I would go
To find your glorious love

So take my hand in the twilight
Let's ride the waves of love
High and low, high and low
Fallow my lead
With a trust of a newborn

There's no end to the lengths I would go
To find your glorious love

Through these wasted years, everyday
I was just s shadow of another day
Right before my eyes each and every night
A dreamers dream has died
I can still hear the sound of his cry

There's no end to the lengths I would go
To find your glorious love

So take my hand in the twilight
Let's ride the waves of love
High and low, high and low
Fallow my lead
With a trust of a newborn

There's no end to the lengths I would go
To find your glorious love

But you came to me
In the silence of the night
To whisper into my heart, I love you
I drawn my life from hearing it
As your voice surge through my soul

There's no end to the lengths I would go
To find your glorious love

So take my hand in the twilight
Let's ride the waves of love
High and low, high and low
Fallow my lead
With a trust of a newborn

There's no end to the lengths I would go
To find your glorious love

And here I am now
Arrived to the point in time
To give the love I have saved for you
To look into your eyes
With an eyes of a lover

There's no end to the lengths I would go
To find your glorious love

So take my hand in the twilight
Let's ride the waves of love
High and low, high and low
Fallow my lead
With a trust of a newborn

There's no end to the lengths I would go
To find your glorious love

Through these wasted sunsets, moments
I was just an echo in a cold distance
I felt I am growing older and tired
Hope has flown away
And lost in the falling tears

There's no end to the lengths I would go
To find your glorious love

So take my hand in the twilight
Let's ride the waves of love
High and low, high and low
Fallow my lead
With a trust of a newborn

There's no end to the lengths I would go
To find your glorious love

But you appear to me
In the pounding and fevered dark
Captured my heart in your embrace
And I knew you would be there for me
While I take the time

There's no end to the lengths I would go
To find your glorious love

So take my hand in the twilight
Let's ride the waves of love
High and low, high and low
Fallow my lead
With a trust of a newborn

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