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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Lasting Love > The Choice

The Choice
by Mark Spencer
The Choice
By Mark Spencer

He came to me one sleepless night
And caught me unaware.
In the darkness of my room,
I saw him standing there.

An angel sent from heaven,
Heavy laden with a task.
To deliver me a message,
With a question he must ask.

I reached over for my wife
In the hope of waking her.
But no amount of shaking,
From her sleep, could make her stir.

Then he revealed his message,
With sadness in his voice.
"Your wife or you must come with me,
But you must make the choice."

I did not know how to respond,
To what he'd said to me.
I felt a tear roll down my cheek
When he asked; "Who shall it be?"

With all my might, I hugged my wife,
Though I knew she couldn't hear,
I said; don't forget I love you,
As I whispered in her ear.

I looked back at the messenger,
And gave him my reply.
It's she who will be joining you,
If one of us must die.

For you now stand before me,
And my doubts have passed away.
Paradise awaits the one
Who leaves with you this day.

The one who then must stay behind,
Will be lonely and forlorn,
Burdened by the memories,
With naught to do but mourn.

And then I saw the angel smile,
As the room was filled with light.
Then as quickly as he'd appeared,
He faded from my sight.

His final words rang in my ears,
And left me reassured.
"Because you answered as you did,
He is pleased with what he heard.

You will now grow old together,
Your love forever true.
While I will go on ahead
And prepare the way for you."

And when my wife began to stir
She asked what made me weep.
I just wrapped my arms around her,
And said go back to sleep.

I said, these tears are tears of joy,
For I'm blessed more than I knew.
Tonight I was reminded
Of the gift I have in you.

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