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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Lasting Love > My Everything

My Everything
by kailan dalziel
Steal my heart,
take my breath,
I am yours,
to, and through death.

Give me life,
grant me peace,
take my hands,
put me at ease.

Clear my mind,
clean my soul,
you're the cure to all,
make everything right in the world.

You are the light.
You are the guide.
You are my strength.
You are my pride.

You're everything in the world
that is worth being seen
the best parts of everything,
You're the best parts of dreams.

Your voice, your laugh,
your eyes, your touch,
your smile, your hair,
I love them so much.

Love so deep that you could drown,
if your footing is unsure,
to stay afloat, what you must do,
Is stay close, and hold on to her.

You are the light.
You are the guide.
You are my strength.
You are my pride.

Everything that's dear to me,
everything that's good.
You're all I'll ever want or need.
I hope I've made it understood.

Through this life, and into the next.
You are my dreams, and love,
you're everything that's anything.
Your who I cannot do without.

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