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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Lasting Love > Thank You For Loving Me

Thank You For Loving Me
by Whitney Byrd
You're the thought that starts each morning,
You're the conclusion to each day,
You're all the things I do,
You're everything that I say.

If you asked me If I love you,
I would truly confess that I do,
You're the love of my life now,
I hope you feel the same way too.

Your kiss lingers forever on my lips,
You're the smile on my face,
The twinkle in my eye,
The warmth of my heart.
You are the fullness of my life.

You are all that I ever wanted,
And I'll never stop loving you,
You're my man forever,
You're the one I'll kiss forever too.

You're my soul mate of this universe,
You make the world so real,
I always have you and I in my dreams,
Your hands I can always feel.

I never thought I would find myself,
But now I have since I have found you.
You're the one that understands,
My love for you is forever true.

With you I can let go,
Of intuition and sound mind,
My feelings I cannot help but show,
To a person who is so kind.

This feeling overwhelms me,
A swelling of the heart,
I never thought I would be,
This happy from the start.

I lose myself in you,
These feelings grow more rapidly,
To a lover who is my best friend.

You are my eternal light,
The laughter in my heart,
Forever I will always love you,
Till the day I die and we part.

You are always in my dreams,
My wish has come true,
I believe in love at first sight,
That is when I fell in love with you.

You are my shoulder to cry on,
You and I are meant to be,
Forever you will always be in my heart,
Baby Thank You For Loving Me.

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