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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Lasting Love > You are the one for me...

You are the one for me...
Ever since i laid my eyes on you i new you were different,b.c the way you smiled you just had the look that was different than ANY other girl i have seen your been with.And when i first saw you come in those doors at school to meet you for the first time i thought you were an angel from god.I what made me think that way your smile brings out your eyes.When you said hi to me i just new that the girl i was with was soo amazing.As we got to know each other we found the have so much in common and that is one of are strong point of are relationship and how we are ment to be.And we both are ment to match and that was gods design for emily and i, as when you asked me to skip 2nd block to watch your play i knew it was going to be a wonderful day and it was b.c i ask out the perfect girl in the world, and as the weeks went on i started to think was this girl the ONE for me,the girl i have been dreaming of for 18 years,and as the weeks went on i "KNEW" i didn't doubt it at all and not for a second today i know more and more everyday that you are.And when we talk we never run out of things to talk about and that is very important to me b.c we have such GOOD chemistry b.c we can talk about anything. And with you i can talk about anything i feel so comfortable around her.As more weeks went on the summer came and we new we would not see each other everyday like we would want to which would be hard but at the beginning we told each other that we would make it for each other and that is what we are doing to this day as she went on vacation for 17 day we talked to each other on the phone and we she left i knew something would change not in a bad way at all i knew something incredible would happen and i was right, the day before they left for vacation i got to hang out with emily =]]. and we cherish ever second with each and when she left i started to have this GREAT feeling it was literily the GREATEST feeling ever. its was LOVE and i started to feel it about 2 days after emily left to vacation and one night i called her like 2 am and she was tired and i said hunny let me call you tomorrow and she said somthing i did not expect she said i love you and she said that was an accident and i said its ok but after that, that same feeling came back i knew i loved her but this love we have is once in a LIFETIME feeling but the next day we both said I LOVE YOU, and as the boy friend i saying this that saying i love you to her was the best thing that happened to me b.c i never said that to any other girl.And i know its sooo true, and i missed her like shi* and we have some disagreements but are relationship is soo great and are love is soo strong we can make it through anything and this why i want to spend the rest of my life with her.=]] no one else give her my heart forever i give that one spot that i was saving for "the one" and emily b. is the"ONE" but when she came back we missed the hell out of each other and ever since then we have had alot of special moments like have had in the 2 months but this moment we had was really special b.c it made are relationship stronger but we are different from most couple's b.c i have never seen chemistry like emily and i have she is my world my life i never want her gone she is a gift from god and i want to spend the rest of my life with her I LOVE YOU EMILY B. THIS WAS WRITTEN IN THE LOVE OF CHRIS F TO EMILY B I LOVE YOU HUNNY!!

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