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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Lasting Love > Reminiscing the the love we shared

Reminiscing the the love we shared
by Rachael
Joe, I knew there was a spark between us the first time our eyes met, we were at Nick's house playing asshole, that's a night I will never forget. Then there was the time I decided to do a flp on the wet trampoline and fell on my face, that was hilarious and a memory I will never erase. And of course, how could we forget the night I rented the hotel, we got to spend all night together and I was happy as hell. There are so many memories that we shared together, it's impossible to get them all into this one poem and write them down on paper. I never had a worry in the world whenever I was with you, and to this day, I still remember everything we experienced, I really do. We have a ton of good memories, but a couple bad one too, but the bad ones I want to forget because they shouldn't have happened to you. I am sincerely sorry for how I did you wrong, and I am so lucky and happy that you are talking to me and we get along. I just want you to know and remember that everything I ever told you was true, and I am still one hundred percent in love with you. You are something I hold close to my heart, a feeling so beautiful right from the start. You are the one I want to be with someday, I believe you are my soul mate, and I know that in the end, we will be together because you are my fate. Until that day comes Joe, I will cherish our memories that we shared, all I ask from you is to remember me too and know how much I truly cared.

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