I remember when I met the Eve of my dreams
We were both tied up in our useless worldly schemes
Like the Adam and Eve of paradise lost,' it seems
To fulfill our desires, we would go to some extremes
Like the first sinners, we listened to the snake
And of the forbidden fruit, we did partake
For a short while, it did seem to satisfy our ache
For a paradise, we didn't think, we'd have to forsake
The Eve of my dreams only wanted to forsake her pain
But I didn't know enough then, to understand, or explain
A truth that I believe now will be forever locked in my brain
The evil of pain, can be transformed into the good of a gain
The Eve of the Garden of Eden', obeyed the snake, and brought death to the earth
Then Eve chose to obey God, and brought life into the world, through the pain of birth
After the fall of man, God transformed useless pain into a thing of worth,
The same as God can turn, useless tears and misery into joy and mirth
The ugly snake would have me fear beauty, as if it could rob me like a thief,
But it was the beautiful Eve, who taught me the beauty of sweet relief
Because she had learned through her pain, that our relief comes from our belief
I believe every hair is numbered like every trembling leaf
I know this story is as original, as original sin,
And I guess it will end for us all, the way it did begin
If we don't want to just dream about paradise, we must let our Savior in
I know, as the slow one now will latter be fast, the loser will latter win |