Feel free to do what you do best,
join in chorus singing a song,
trade casual clothes with tie or vest
& be sure to get along.
Resist succumbing to disdain,
don't fret about walking as should've flown,
enjoy all courses, not just main
& share with others as though 'twere your own.
Maintain peace concieving row,
appreciate contents seemingly bare,
take comfort in bellowing asmuchas knowing
& let your friend know you care & you're there.
Relate to & compliment your friends's sight,
take caution not to break the friendship chain,
in togetherness allow both fantasy&aspiration flight
& maintain contact or spare thought 'til meet again.
Compromise where you don't tread on common ground,
nurture, but don't prune vine of acquaintance fine,
find common hobbies when your friend's around
& allow relationship to reflect God's love divine. |