Friendship do's & don'ts |
by Harriet Oliver |
Do avoid haughty hastes;
don't foresake FriendShip for another fleet.
Do implore not to want wastes;
don't neglect the sweet flowers' feat.
Do endeavour to bless those hence unblest;
don't neglect near & dear yearning for lost dove.
Do allow your friend some solitude & rest at request;
don't descry describe infinitely measur'how dost love.
Do cry about lover's foolishness related by scribe;
don't intentionally forget your friend went from view.
Do cry in designated time similarly laughter ascribe;
don't allow hastily meant comment make you feel blue.
Do good, but as you're not God don't condemn sin;
don't hesitate in foolish pride taking most humble in.
Do offer tea&cake even if presenting may cause stir;
don't forget in longing for elusive friend those here.
Do keep working at relationship even feeling resigned;
don't forget carefully balance precarious give&take.
Do feel free to express what's on your mind;
don't neglect love, debate hate no allowance nor make. |
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