A heart in love knows not how to measure age
Nor beauty, nor distance, nor time,
Nor even returned love.
To a heart in love,
Age is how long the love has been alive.
To a heart in love,
All is beautiful.
For the heart in love,
Time seems to stand still.
For two hearts in love with each other,
There is no distance, for they beat as one.
The heart in love is self-sustaining.
It needs not returned love.
A heart in love will endure many things:
Neglect, abuse, even unfaithfulness.
A heart in love never stops loving,
And is always ready to forgive.
The heart in love flourishes
When the love is returned.
A look, a smile, a touch, an "I love you"
Strengthen the roots of the heart in love.
No, a heart in love knows not how to measure
Age, beauty, time, distance, or returned love.
A heart in love knows only one thing,
And that is how to give unconditional love
To the object of it's desire.