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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > New Love > Love's True Emotion

Love's True Emotion
by Bill
You been part of me since that first day.
You're in my thoughts and my dreams
You are in every breath I take
and every single move I make.

I see you when I close my eyes.
The way you look and how you move.
I know it is my love that I must prove.
Our joyful memories I will replay
And how much I love you in every way.

I know when you been in the room
By the fragrance of your presence.
I feel that time is of the essence.
Passion coursing through my veins.
Looking forward to the time that still remains.

You're in my thought in every way
In my mind, in the words I say
In my soul, in how I pray,

I am thankful for the day we met
I am sure that my love for you I will never regret..
You are the spirit of my love
and the passion that rains from above.

In my emotions that been freed
In the devotions to you I feed.

No, this is not the man I was
More the man that I want to be
To be there for you always to see.

And let the love within me grow
You are my monumental love I feel
And hidden feelings that I know.
The ones that I buried deep and let go

The soulful fountain of my heart.
That sprang forth from our desires could never let us part.

When I gazed upon your beauty
The mirror of my desires.
it started to burst my heart into a sonnet of fires.
Afraid to say I love you,
until you said you loved me first.
For fear of your feelings for me just burst.

Your name is etched upon my heart.
Your beauty in my eyes.
That is something I could not disguise.

Should I tell you how I feel
And let my love be revealed.
Like a gambler who shows emotion
Bets on the hearts of his potion.

From your lips the words flowed out
How I wanted to jump and shout.
You held me in your arms and
conformed me in your heart.

I stand in emotional Abyss
Scared you can't commit.
Wavering in my thoughts.
Will you say or will you not?

Living on love sweet potion
My heart raging like the ocean
I hear the echo of your words
And launch myself into motion.

You fit me like a perfect glove,
Your heart is the target of
all my love.
The unison of our devotion
deeper than the pacific ocean

Now we both know we love each other.

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