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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Secret Love > Love That's Right...

Love That's Right...
by Grace Brunelle
I was there when you held her tight
I saw you kiss her lips that night
I heard the words you spoke so dear to her
And I wanted to hold you, though it was all a blur
I wanted to to be the one to smile at all your smiles
I wanted to be the one to walk with you for miles
But baby you were her boyfriend
and baby she's my best friend
So will strength I never knew I had
Althought all it did was make me sad
I didn't say a word to you
about all that I needed and saw in you

Baby, I need to hold you tight
I know how you offer a love that's right
I've seen it with my own two eyes
Baby, a true heart tells no lies
I've been alone for what feels like a century
I've cried rivers of tears for someone to hold onto me
So,baby, I need to hold you so tight
Because I know how you offer a love that's right

With past relationships that broke me in two
I long for the treasure that I see in you
Is what I feel honestly wrong for me to say?
Or would you feel the same exact way?
would I just scare you away from me?
Or would I open your eyes to see?

Baby, I need to hold you tight
I know that you offer a love that's right
I've seen it with my own two eyes
Baby, a true heart tells no lies
I've been alone for what feels like a century
I've cried rivers of tears for someone to hold onto me
baby, i need to hold you so tight
Because I know that you offer a love that's right

I see a life within your heart
And the ability to see it rips me apart
I know within somewhere you are right for me
Yet I'm not so sure if it's right for you to be
But it's true she is no longer there
she threw away your love without a care...

baby, i need to hold you so tight
I know how you offer a love that's right
I've seen it with my own two eyes
baby, a true heart tells no lies
I've been alone for what feels like a century
I've cried rivers of tears for someone to hold onto me
so baby, I need to hold you so tight
Because I know how you offer a love that's right

Now I wonder who you're holding sd tight
I wonder who's lips you are kissing tonight
We still talk when we pass eachother by
But I'm so confused, All I ever do is cry...

Baby please hold me so tight...
... I know that you offer a love that's right

Remember this one Ian... I got my chance to hold you tight:)... I miss yo, but we'll always be friends.

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