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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Sensual Love > Closing Loves Door

Closing Loves Door
by William Mae
I recognize this room,
The floor, the walls, the bed.
I recount every word of love,
Between us that was said.
I remember passionate moments,
When ecstasy was achieved.
I cherished every trip we took,
To see loves mountain peak.

I lay down for just a minute,
Let my memory take control.
I recall a certain night,
That took place now long ago.

One mid-summers evening,
A balmy day in June.
Wine chilling on the counter,
Flame from candles lit the room.
I saw you standing in the doorway,
With two glasses in your hand.
Wearing nothing but your confidence,
Of the night that you have planned.
Your hair long and beautiful,
Eyes seductive in their stare.
Your skin soft and sensual,
I savored every moment shared.
We met at the counter,
Still no words need to be said.
Only thoughts of loving you,
Now occupy my head.
I pour the wine from the bottle,
You plant soft kisses on my face.
I slide my arm around you,
Taste the wine while we embrace.
Our lips cling to each others,
Passion deepens as we kiss.
Tongues tasting pleasures offered,
built a fire upon this bliss.
Your lips kiss my neckline,
Free me from the shirt I wear.
Slide your palm across my stomach,
I run my fingers through your hair.
Your kisses getting lower,
My pants slowly touch the floor,
You smile as your hand holds me,
Your touch leaves me wanting more.
Your fingers wrap around me,
Stroking slowly up then down.
Only sighs from us are spoken,
A language spoke when loves around.
You start with gentle kisses,
Up and down my growing length.
Hardened now by your attention,
Every moment gaining strength.
You slide your lips down on me,
Slow determined pace you've set.
Drawn into your web of power,
Making payments on my debt.
Your fingers find my hardened nipple,
Role your fingers on its orb,
I rock slowly with your motion,
You give me all I need and more.
You take me deep then stop all movement,
Suspend me in this wanting state.
I find your breast to squeeze it softly,
Trembling from this love we make.
Your lips slide off me gently,
I pull you standing to your feet,
You smile knowing in only seconds,
I'll taste your flowers moistened treat.
I pick you up into my arms,
Place you gently on the bed.
Spread your thighs filled with passion,
Restart the sighs already said.
My lips explore your garden,
Your trimmed path, your unlocked gate.
My tongue slowly enters,
Pausing for your flowers taste.
Your hips give inviting motions,
Your thighs widened as they raise.
You offer me your beauty,
To satisfy what we both crave.
Trailing kisses up your belly,
Across your breasts up to your lips,
Easing slow and deep inside you,
Sealing our love with a kiss.
Rocking gentle, then much faster,
Stare into each others eyes,
Building beads of sweat upon us,
Releasing ecstasies of cries.
We explode with violent shaking,
Shuddering at our heightened crest.
We had shared each others passion,
Giving out our very best.

A noise shakes me from your memory,
Reality of the pain I own.
I know our love has ended,
Our house no more a home.
I raise from the bed where love,
Was consummated years before.
I sadly leave our room of pleasure,
Close forever this open door.

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