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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Sensual Love > Drawn To Each Other

Drawn To Each Other
by William Mae
Our kisses slowly deepen, Intoxicated by this night, Our bodies mold together, Inside this candlelight. Soft moans from need of passion, Heats this ember to a flame, We enter to this realm for lovers, Calling out each others name. Free from clothes that kept us separate, Skin to skin in lovers sweat, Giving all unto the other, Abandon all thoughts of regret. My hands glide below your body, We dance to this lovers tune, Slow and steady in this moment, Pausing in your flowers bloom. Panting breath starts us moving, Searching for our finished goal, Even though we are determined, We approach our finish slow. We start trembling through these seconds, Clutching tight in our embrace, Releasing deep our moans of pleasure, Locking tight in loves embrace. We don't belong to each other, Our need for passion overrides, The neglect our mates had shown us, We grasped this moment passing by. Once thought dead all my emotion, Re-kindled by your soothing touch, Lying in this bed for pleasure, I know its more than primal lust. Panting slowed with you beneath me, Kissing softly on my neck, We begin to kiss more deeply, Much more than a lovers peck. Growing slow inside your chamber, We replay this lovers tune, Faster in this heated moment, Dance again inside our room. Changed positions seeking pleasures, Forbidden up until tonight, Our eyes fasten to each other, All lifes tension flees this sight. We lay quiet no words spoken, Enjoy the after glow of sex, No thoughts of any consequences, That might happen to us next. Our fire abated at this moment, But we know it will return, Staying in our loves position, We wait for this fire to burn.

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