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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Sensual Love > Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
by Matthew
There existed a story of love and loss
That is alive today in two lovers star crossed

There’s no family feud, instead in its place
Is a controversy which lies in her wealth and his race

My lady is wild and breaks every rule
My lord is a servant who cleans my lady’s pool

She’s ever more beautiful than the stars in the sky
And to look upon her face brings a tear to ones eye

Her family is rich and cares nothing for the poor
For the love of her man she’d gladly walk out the door

Our man is handsome but his skin color is black
He is wonderful and true, its only money that he lacks

They were black and white in love with one another
But their families forbid it so their love they must cover

They sneak around, hiding kisses from sight
Despite their parents hate, they make love every night

One day they were kissing in a darkened hall
When on came the light and spoiled it all

Our Romeo was fired and cast into the street
But it would take more than distance for their love to be beat

They stole away each night and would meet by the ocean
Staying true to their love with everlasting devotion

Through the hardest times she stood by his side
The time had now come and they would have to decide

If they got married, would their parents be ok
But they soon found out that they would rue the day

They were walking down the street when her father appeared
He pulled out a gun and their world disappeared

The shot was for him but hit her instead
She jumped in front and Juliet is dead

He bent down to her, as he shed a tear
He kissed her lips and said I’ll soon be near

He held a single red rose and he turned around
As they lowered her casket down into the ground

He looked at the headstone and blew it a kiss
It read, never was a woman so loved as this

He came back the next day with his heart full of strife
He took out a gun and he ended his life

Let this be a tale that you never will forget
Of our modern day Romeo and his fair Juliet

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