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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > First Date Stories > You Never Know...

You Never Know...
by Patrick
You just never know when someone will walk into you life and rock everything to the very essence of your being. You never see it coming. I was flying out of town to go visit my brother in Texas a year ago. I knew he had a new girlfriend since his divorce and I did not want to be the proverbial third wheel at dinner or at the numerous clubs we would be frequenting so I remembered there was this online singles site that had chapters all over the country. I checked it out and sure enough, they had a site in the town I was headed so I decided to join, just to see if I could fly into town with a date or two. Being 6’5 and in decent shape certainly didn’t hurt my chances and in just a few days I was talking to a few very intelligent and beautiful ladies. As luck would have it, my brother’s location changed a week or so before I flew out so I was unable to enjoy their company. However, there ended up being an interesting light at the end of the tunnel. One of the privileges of this system is that you can scan other sites to see what members are online. During a check of the local area where I lived, I came across the profile of a very intelligent, articulate, and indeed very beautiful woman. There were a few factors that jumped out at me, she was 6’2, educated, seemed to know what she wanted out of life, and according to her profile, she was not afraid of saying it out loud. After the initial letter explaining why someone so close was writing from a website across the country, we started to exchange emails. Of course as in most cases, the emails moved to phone conversations. It was during these conversations I decided to ask her out for the following week. Major mistake, she said yes immediately and now I had to wait almost an entire week to meet this woman who through numerous long conversations was walking slowly into my life.
After what seemed like the longest week of my life, the night of our first date arrived. We had agreed to meet at a very quiet little Thai place not far from where she lived and not too far from the hotel I was staying at in town that night. You see, I don’t live in the metro area, but about and hour and a half away. I get into the metro area numerous times a month on business so seeing her regularly was not going to problem. I got to the place a little before she did, that in itself is pretty amazing considering her directions were more than a little off. Seeing her walk into the place was something magical in itself, she was strikingly beautiful with incredible long legs. I immediately stepped to her and took her into my arms, a nice warm hug that started a buzz in me that would last for most of the night. I was totally disarmed by her smile and her warm eyes. They bordered on hypnotic and amazing. When she smiled, I felt lost. During dinner, she crossed her legs once, the slit in her skirt road up so high I literally lost my train of thought and told her so, and she had no idea why it happened. She just smiled. You never know how a first date is going until the end, because we all know that a woman decides whether she wants to sleep with a new date in the first 3 minutes she meets him and then he gets the rest of the night to screw up and change her mind to ‘no’. At 9:15 she looked at her watch and said she needed to be home by 9:30 because the babysitter, she has an 8-year-old daughter, was a young girl from down the street. I walked her to her car, staying on the street side of the sidewalk while we walked, my hand in the small of her back. At her car she turned to me and asked me if I wanted to come up to the house for 2 hours because she knew we both needed to be up earlier for work and it was midweek. It was at that very moment that I realized that she was enjoying herself as much as I was. After telling her ‘Of course!’ I don’t remember my feet touching the pavement as I quickly walked to my car.
I followed her white car up the hill. While we were laughing and talking on our cell phones, I could not get the image of her smile out of my mind. We arrived at the house and walked inside. In the television room we found her daughter, who I recognized from the picture shared over dinner, and two young teen girls. She turned to me and asked if I minded staying her with her daughter while she took the two girls home. I smiled and told her I waited a week for this date, a few more minutes would be easy. She smiled, my heart melted a bit more and then I was left with a house that radiated her smell and a very bright young lady who displayed the same spice and shyness her mother had shown a few hours earlier. We walked into the living room and she sat on one end of the couch, almost as a challenge, I sat immediately across from her in the chair. Her conversation seemed to measure me, she was definitely more observant then the normal eight-year-old. I was surprised at her canter and her genuine interest in what I said. After what seemed like seconds, I heard the front door shut and walking around the corner into the livingroom she came, a look of complete amazement on her face. She told her daughter it was bedtime and after a short banter of free wills, she took her up to bed. I busied myself looking around the room, looking at each piece of furniture, each piece of art, looking for her in each piece. I heard her come in behind me, my back to her. I felt her there for a few seconds before she spoke, knowing she was observing me. Seeing the soft smile on her face as I turned to her fortified my feelings. After fixing each of us drink, the lights turned to a very comfortable low level; we sat on the couch and continued to talk. My right arm was resting on the back of the couch and my fingers began to caress the side of her neck. I could see the affect it was having in her eyes but I did not want to push issues with her. It all felt so comfortable and the last thing I wanted to do was turn this into something other than a great first date and hopefully a very nice beginning. The music playing matched our moods and the soft light led to very comfortable conversation. I could tell she was getting tired, or perhaps her defenses were dropping. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that I had reached the point to which she would not and did not want to tell me no to anything if I pushed an issue. At that very point she stood and said that she believed our two hours were up. Looking back, I am very glad she did that. If we had ended up going right up to her bed at that point, it may have cheapened what we both felt. I took her hand in mine, feeling her warmth. I pulled her close to me in the foyer and kissed her for the very first time. She slid so perfectly into my arms I swear I did not want to ever let that moment stop. Her kiss was so soft and tender, yet grew into something much hungrier. It had been a long time since a kiss had managed to stop time for me, maybe never like this one did. Pulling her tighter in my arms, I thought maybe I had completely lost my mind. How can this be, it was only a first date, but there was only one thought resoundingly screaming through my mind. I was home. Have you ever had that ‘perfect’ feeling before? The feeling that at that exact moment in time you were at the exact place you were supposed to be. That everything in the universe was perfectly aligned? That ‘perfect’ moment for me was standing there with her deep in my arms. As I walked to my car I looked up into the sky, seeing a few bright stars, I recalled all the conversations I had with God over the years. I could only look at his beautiful sky and say ‘ Thank You.’

That night was 12 months ago. We have been apart for a grand total of 7 nights since. We have been married for 8 months and have already begun our lives together. I had all but given up on finding that ‘soulmate’ that everyone talks about and dreams for. In fact I really didn’t think I was looking. I only know this, I knew from the first moment it was right. Although I am a hopeless romantic, I have never truly believed in love at first sight. She opened up parts of me inside my heart that had been shutdown since my divorce and I believe that there are many rooms that had never been entered before she walked past all my locks and chains. We never know what God’s plan is for each of us, we can only keep moving on and keep our eyes open to the possibilities. I wish everyone the happiness and luck that I have found and enjoy. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

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