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The First Kiss
by Vince
It was a night that I will remember for always. The air was cold and the evening was clear with stars shining brightly. We had met the previous week. Sparks flew for me that night and all I could think of was how her lips would feel on mine. I have never been one to feel a desire to express my love to anyone mainly because I did not know of a woman whom I desired for.

Until Connie.

My goodness.

I cannot even begin to express how she affected me. It wasn’t her looks though she is a very good looking woman. It was the feel of her. How she behaved, her style, her grace. It felt as if I woke up from a very long dream and there she was. Even writing this I get goose bumps and butterflies in my stomach by these memories.

I think that for me, the first time we kissed on that wonderful night in December 2004 proved to me that the love that some people have, the passion and the heat, not something I even dared to contemplate, became a real and tangible thing. I remember placing my lips on hers and ‘KABOOOOM’ it was over for me. She felt so good. She tasted even better!! I have often thought of that night and how it rates amongst my other first kisses and I can honestly say it was far and away the most intensive and pleasurable experience I have ever had. That one kiss rekindled for me desires I had long thought gone.

It is now a year and 2 months later and that first kiss still remains fresh in my mind and on my lips. The residue of her taste tingles within me and it gives me so much strength and passion. I had no idea one kiss could be so powerful.

I thank God I met Connie. If it wasn’t for her I would have lived the rest of my life in ignorance of such a powerful force as a kiss.

There is no way to tell what the stars have in mind for Connie and I, but whatever time I do have with her, I want her to know that I have loved her more deeply and strongly and completely than I have ever loved anyone else.


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