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Once lost, now found
by Samantha
The first time I ever layed eyes on him was in the summer following 7th grade. I was hardly a teenager. Probably too young in my parents mind to even be interested in boys. Honestly most boys only caught my attention b/c it was the cool thing to do. To have a boy friend. Any how I remember it was a beautiful day. My family and I had gone to see my cousin play baseball. He and I had always been more like brother and sister, so when he teased abtou setting me up with one of the guys on the team I thoguht nothing of it other then normal family harassment. I mean I was there to watch the ball game not pick up some boy. But as it turned out I didn't end up watching much of the game at all. I'd found something better to watch, the pitcher. Which technically was part of the ball game, so it counted. Little did I know that the boy I was infactuated with for 7 inninings was the son of my Aunts best friend, who happened to be sitting right near me and asking me about how I'd gotten my hair to look as it did. I didn't meet him (Jamie) that day. Infact it would be about a year before I met him at all. But I remembered him, and thought about meeting him. Replaying it in my mind in that silly school girl way. As retarded as it was I daydreamed of what could happen between us if we could only meet. Then it happened. I was stayign with my Aunt the following summer and as luck would have it we were invited to a picinic at none other than the guy that I had been longing to meets house. It was crazy we hit it off instantly, chatted and carried on abtou anythign and everythign both very nervous. Interrupted by many things but it was so sweet and innocent. A true boy meets girl story. After that not much came of the meeting, I still thought about my boy all the time tho, I never told him that I thought he was cute and I had no idea what he thought about me. Any how about 6 months later I got to see him again this time in the winter time. He had just started ice skating, something that I had done for many years. So it was neat that we had this in common. I was invited down to see the carnival(ice show) and then for dessert afterwards at his palce. Again we hit it of and it was crazy fun. This time though I didn't leave without first exchanging email adresses with him. So now a more mature me, communicating with a boy I've liked for over a year, yet still hardly know, chooses to go to cool, collected approach to wooing him. Whatever. I wrote him an email asking him for a little bit of help. I cant remember exactly what I said but it was something the effect of "There is this guy I like, I was hoping you could tell me what colour eyes he has" and he wrote back and told me he had brown eyes and wondered what colour the eyes were of the girl he liked. It was cute,and I'll alwasy remember it.

Again not much came of it. Harmless flirting was all there was, we were both so young, yet the most amazing of friends. Living in different towns didnt' help much either. Slowly the attraction to him got pushed to the back of my mind, while we still communicated we rarely saw each other, and I had started dating boys, and I imagine he started dating girls. Grade 11 came and we'd meet up in the club witha few friends on all ages night and dance and party and all the fun stuff. Always a sort of attraction lurking around us, but nother ever being said forth right and nothign ever beign acted apon. Until Semi formal came around I started tryign to fix both Jamie and my cousin up with girl friends of mine. Set up after srt up nothing much came of any of my match making attemps. I my self had just recently gotten involved with a new boy. It seemed as though everything was just as it should be when Jan 22 came around, it was Jamie 17th birthday. Now old enough to drive, it made it a bit easier. Any how I took him out and we had coffee at the local teen "hang out" and we got pictures taken at the mall in one of those goofy booths that two people SO can fit into. It was a good time. Even though I had a boyfriend kissing him or being more then friends was inthe back of my mind. Then int eh parking lot before going home, He kissed me. I kissed him back. Yeah I know I had a b/f but we were kids. So whatever. Then as weird as it may sound. Nothing ever came of that kiss. We actually began to drift more. After that kiss I started workign harder at fixing him up with my friends. Even my best friend. He was very attractive so it wasn't a hard thing to do. Time past I remined with my b/f and Jamie and I drifted. Before I knew it 2 years had gone by and we hadn't spoken a word to each other. It was now the year after our grade 13 year, both 19 years old out of highschool. I sat thinking"wonder where he is or what he's doing.SO I tracked him down on ICQ. Turns out little small town Jamie was now 4 hours away at University. I couldn't beleive it. What was even more amazing was how we both picked right up where we left off and talked like there had never been a lull in our friendship. About a month or so after we started catching up on our friendship, we got onto the topic of things in the past. Particularily us. The question arose, how come we never dated, or do you think we'd ever. I flat out lied at first and said "well its not what I need right now" and he agreed long distance and the timing was way off. But then a few mins later I had to say it. I know we'll both remember it always and as cheesy as it is, its true, I said "I want you, I've always wanted you and I always will, and its not fair b/c I cant have you" and he replied to me"why cant you have me?"
it was totally sweet. We both opened up and revealed that we'd always had this secret attraction going on adn that we needed to see if there was anythign behind it. So I agreed to take the weekend off work to takea bus down to stay with him for a weekend. Neither of us knew how it would work out , or what would happen, or even how to act , but we knew we had to try. Especially with winter break coming up, we had to see if there was any reason to make the effort to see each other over the holidays. So I spent 2 hours on the bus to Toronto then another 2 in the bus station, then another 2 to the university but when I fianlly stepped off the bus and saw him standing there waiting for me it was all worth it. He was completly the same...But so different. He'd grown up so much. HE was handsome before, but he was totally breath taking now. I'll never forget how our eyes met and I saw him standing there in faded jeans, a t shirt and a leather jacked. THe smile that came to our faces instantly. We hugged and and then headed back to the campus. We talked for about 45 mins before we kissed. Although we'd kissed before over 2 years ago, it was like the first kiss. Simple and sweet. Amazing in every way. From then on we acted a couple the whole weekend yet we werenn't really. I was still just a friend.

One night he had to step out and go to a meeting for a studen council thing, when he came back I went down the stairs to let him in and he whisked me off back to his room, not letting me speak a word. We got inside and he turned off the lights and locked the doors. Then He put on some music, unchained melody. and he told me we'd missed a lot of things in two years and dancing was one of them. It was then during that dance I knew there was a spark. Then Later we danced again to boys to mens "4 seasons of lonliness" and shared a kiss. It was the most amazign kiss i've ever felt. LIke electric currents running from him to me and back again. Then he said to me"I cant let you leave this weekend unless you're my girlfriend"So thus we made it official. And thast how we got together. It only took 7 years. Love at first sight? Who knows, I'll never know, but it was definatly something. We've known each other for a very long time we've been a couple for less that 4 months, but , I'll keep you posted *wink*

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