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My Little Story..
by Nickelas
My opinion on "Love at first sight." Well ok, what is love? My feeling on what love is, is when you love someone for who they are, not what they aren't. Also, love is when you think that the person your with, is your whole world. When they call you on the phone, you get that tingly feeling inside, every time you get a message from them, you smile and your heart beats a thousand times a minute! Love is, when you hold his or her hand, and knowing that there is nothing better in the world, than being with him or her. I think the following terms really sum things up on what love is, which are; Communication, Commitment, Faithfulness, Understanding of each other, and most of all, Trusting each other. This is what I consider love is, then again I am only 15 years old, but I don't think you're ever to young to know what love is. I also don't think people would ever forget what love is. It's just when you're not with someone special, you tend to think that you won't find that special person. Sooner or later the love of your life will come along, and you will never feel the same way about anyone, or anything! When your in love, it's not just your face that lights up, but it's also your heart!

By saying all of that, on what I thought love was, I would imagine it would take some time to develop, that kind of an emotion for somebody. Having said that, "Love at first sight" would be almost impossible to achieve. That's just my little thought on "What love is," but it makes me wonder if it's possible, to truly all out love somebody, at first sight of seeing them.

Not to go to far off the topic of "Love at first sight," I have my very own little love story. I'm hoping you have some coffee beside you, to keep you awake as you read this! Just thought I'd warn you!

Well way back in the beginning of grade eight, I started to like this girl. It really wasn't love at first sight, but I really started to like this girl a lot. As weeks passed, she found out from a friend of mine, that I liked her. Nothing really happened from there on, I mean I still had the same feelings for her. I was getting ready to move on, and try to forget about her, but I said to myself that, I think I'll wait awhile see where it gets me. I waited for quite some time, and nothing happened. I was quite okay with that, in fact I still kept liking her. I was very shy at this day and age, my friends would try to convince me to confront her, and actually talk to her for once. I just never got the confidence to go talk to her.

It's about the end of May now, I found out that the girl I liked, liked this dude in the same grade as she was. Well this dude, didn't really like her back, and he had said something that was rather very rude. I don't really want to mention what he had said to her, but put it this way, I think the total opposite of what this dude said to her.

After all of that took place, I don't think she didn't like him afterwards, I don't blame her! It was the end of the school year, and I can still picture that day, I got to see her last before the summer time. Over the course of a few weeks in July, I had my first conversation with her. I was very happy to have had that conversation with her, but we never really said much. Well, we kept in touch, chatting back and forth, but I can remember, that night when she told one of my friends, that she was starting to like me. I was tickle pink! So, we began to really get to know each other, and I have to admit, I was liking her more and more, every day! We were counting down the days, to when school would start. I have to say, so far that was the best summer I have ever had!

That first day of school was awesome, because I got to see her again! During the first few days, we were kind of shy to even look at each other. I can remember trying to avoid her a couple of times, but her best friend, and all of my friends, made me stand there! I was really shy, from what I was told, I was quite red in the face, so was she. After a few minutes, we started talking, all of my friends left, and her friends left too. Well we over came being shy, and started to hang out, and talk. About a week passed now, I asked her out on the 12th of September. She said yes, right after I asked her! She was my very first girlfriend that I've ever had.

I'd say about a week after I asked her out, couple of my friends took a picture of me and her, I really didn't like that, but the picture turned out great. The first dance was on October 11th , I believe. Any way that was a lot of fun, dancing with her all night, and having a few laughs with all my friends! I couldn't see her the following day, because I had a presentation to do at another school, which kind of sucked, cause I never got to see her on Friday. Our relationship grew stronger every day, or so it felt that way. Her parents found out about me, from what she told me, they asked her about million questions! Our first kiss, was just before the long weekend, in October, and yes that was awesome!

November the 2nd, was when I got her a rose, you should have seen the look on her face! It was priceless! Only if I had a camera on hand, it would have been an awesome picture. The following week, was another school dance. We had as much, if not more fun than the last dance there was!

Well, the next week, was the last week we were together. It was a whole misunderstanding, but later on, she said to me, she just didn't feel like having a boyfriend in her life right now. I was completely okay with that, I mean it certainly wasn't easy, but I managed to live through it. There was a dance in January, it was really uncomfortable, because I wasn't used to going to a dance, and not having a good time.

It was a lonely three months. I still liked her. I never gave up on her, I hung out with her, and talked to her. Well, February came around, and then Valentines Day. The dance was good, but still not even as good as the last dance, that we were together. That very night, her best friend, came over to me, and told me to ask her out again. Well, then two minutes later, I was told to wait till tomorrow, so I did. I asked her out at recess time, she said "I'll have to think about it." Well when she said that I thought, man she's going to say no. Around the middle of lunch she comes up to me, and says, yes I will go out with you! That sure took all my worry's away.

The March dance was totally awesome, because we were together, and having lot's of fun! My March break flew by, but on Thursday night she called me, and we talked for about an hour and a half. That was fun! I really missed her though, but it made it more exciting to see her, the following week.

We Still are together till this day, and I now tell her, that I Love her, and she says it back. I feel over the course of a year, I developed a strong relationship, and feel as though I truly do love her! It's not exactly "Love at First Sight," but oh well! In my opinion, I think its better than love at first sight!

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