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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > Second Chances > Heaven Sent Love

Heaven Sent Love
by Rayel
Sitting in my friends room one night, we were chatting on the computer. It seemed like nothing at all. Just seeing what types of guys were online chatting. Well she started talking to this one guy in particular. They hit it off and I never thought anything of it. Sometimes while I was online he would appear and I would start chatting with him. Nothing special at all, just talk. On one very sepcial Friday night, I was at home with nothing to do. My friend had left me hanging to go out with her boyfriend when we already had plans. So I just ended up staying at home and chatting on the computer. Well that guy was on again. I talked to him for a bit but he had to take a flight to Oregon. So that was that. Well on Saturday night, he came back from Oregon and he was on the computer chatting as usual. So was I. We struck up a conversation again. We chatted for hours until I got tired. We told each other that we would see each other online tomorrow at around 3 p.m. Sure enough I hopped onto the computer at 3 p.m. and he was on. We chatted for most of the day and into the night. He said that he had classes tomorrow so we said our good-byes. Then on Monday morning, I saw him online again. He told me that he would be on the computer later and to meet him on again. So I did. But this time it was different. He said "bye babes". I was like "whoa". Just a little too fast. But on Monday night we met on the computer and I ended up giving him my phone number. I never do this now, but he was an exception. I don't know why but he was. He called my house and we talked on the phone for hours. Then something happend, it was weird, we found out that we know each other from church. We seen each at church. I was like what a small world it is. Everyday since then we have been talking on the phone non-stop. He left for Oregon that Friday night and called me eveyday at every chance he had. He told me stuff like he missed me and is always thinking of me. When he got back, we went to the movies together with all of our friends. We sat next to each other and nothing physical happened. We talked about our situations and told each other that we need to take things slow. He has to focus on college and me on work. So we talk on the phone everyday and see each other as much as we can. The only thing that we do not say yet is that we "love each other" and we do not have the status as a couple. We are no longer seeing anyone and talk to no one else but each other. The reason why I call this story and him my "heaven sent love" is because of this. I just recently ended a realationship of 4 years. He was cheated on me and lying to me all along. I had a hard time dealing with this. I had lost my job because of my ex and I was losing him along with that. I thought I could never love again. One day whild crying and saying a prayer, I asked God to help lead me in the right direction in my life. The next day, that was when I met my new love, Braden. As soon as we met and talked we hit it off. I have never experienced a love like this and I know that he is truly the one. Shortly after meeting him, I got my dream job and my dream man. All thanks to God sending me my "Heaven Sent Love"!

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