Two Sisters |
by Angela |
Two sisters are we
Doing things together
Raised in a happy family
It couldn't get much better
When we were young
We always liked to sing
Catch a falling star
While doing dishes after dining
We climbed trees
And played hopscotch
Jumping rope
Doing double dutch
Playing in the tub
During a bubble bath
And thats when we caught
Our mommy's wrath
Bubbles and water
All over the floor
At least the bathroom was clean
When mommy walked in the door
We talked and giggled
Like little girls do
Sharing our clothes
And even shoes too
Playing with our dolls
And playing house
Sometimes we were even
Quiet as a mouse
During our teen years
We both started dating
Life was changing
And a new bond we were creating
Talking about boys
Going to high school
We even both
Started working too
We gave advice to each other
During those early years
Some things you can't ask mother
It would have caused alot of tears
But as time moved on
We each married and had kids
But that sister bond
Remains as it is
We still talk
And giggle alot too
Because that is what
We sisters do
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