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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Lasting Love > More Then My Heart

More Then My Heart
by fading fantasy
Some people I've heard do nothing but cry
They gave away their hearts and now its good-bye
I'm not going to end up living as my heart longs to die

So I'm holding on to my heart, oh so tight
I'm not going to let anyone make me give up this fight
I'm holding on to my future and my past
I'm holding on to every emotion, and I'm holding on fast
I'm not going to take anybody's hand
I am strong, I trust everyone can understand

But little did I know what I was about to do
I found myself in your arms, and right then I knew
I'd be giving everything away to you

I gave you more then my heart can't you see?
I gave you more then just me
I gave you my future, I gave you my past
I know for sure that we're going to last
I gave you every emotion this body could render
Baby, I'm yours never to surrender
No ones going to steal me away
I'm your today and forever thats how it will stay

Yet why do I feel you aren't holding me so tight?
Forever we will be and you love me right?
Am I crazy to think everything is going alright?

Oh please don't erase my heart, it is you I choose
Please don't step all over me cause this fight I will lose
Please don't tear up my future, don't tear up my past
Every emotion will be unraveled so fast
It was you I gave my all to
And each day my love for you only grew

Then you looked at me, your eyes showing
I knew I didn't have to worry about anything
Then you whispered in my ear as you handed me a ring...

Baby, I'm holding on to your heart oh so tight
I'm not going to let anyone make me give you up tonight
You are my future, you made my past
I'm watching over every emotion, and forever we will last
Nobody will hurt you, and I'm here to stay
For you I gave my soul away
I surrendered it all to see you smile like that
Babe I love you...don't ever doubt me like that.

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