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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Lasting Love > I'll love you till the end

I'll love you till the end
by Jess Lynn
The first day I saw you
I knew it was love
I got to know you
and love you even more
you seemed so flawless
I wanted to be with you
I'm too shy
and all the guys I know
let the girls make the first move
That day was 6 months after
I laid my eyes on you
I asked you the question
I knew I'd never regret
I stared into your beautiful brown eyes
as you said
I can't right now
As tears came to my eyes
I said- I need you
You whispered in my ear
I need you too
I walked away
My once great life- is now over
I had never planned on asking you at all
But I felt I must
I got home that horrible night
The night I know I would always remember
I ran into my room
As far away from possible from my family
My eyes were red and wet
I layed on my bed
As I was about to cry myself to sleep
I received the call from you
As fast as I possibly could I picked up the phone
You explained everything to me
and told me that you wanted me to be with you
You asked me to go for a walk
So we can talk things over
I told you I'd meet you at the beach front
I ran into the bathroom to check my makeup
I put on more powder, eyeliner and mascara
I threw my shoes on and ran out the door
You were the only thing on my mind
I couldn't think about anything else
I wanted to get there as quick as I could
So I could be with you
I ran so fast
Not looking where I was going
Then I looked and saw you
I ran as fast as I could
The speeding car hit me hard
Now I'm lying here on the street
I looked to the left of me
And my arm is terribly cut up
I look the the right of me
and I saw you
Suddenly I felt no pain
You layed on the street next to me
You told me everything would be okay
And You'd always be there for me
Now everything is getting dark
I'm having a hard time seeing
But now that I know you're in my life
Everything seems bright
I feel myself getting lifted
and I feel your soft hand lightly holding mine
You looked at me once more and said
I love you till the end
Now I'm in the hospital
The doctors don't seem calm
I hear some paramedic say I am short of blood
I'm now convinced I'm dying
But I still feel no pain
I try to lift my hand to touch your hand
But I couldn't lift it
I'm too weak
My arm is broken
I tried lifting it again
I screamed in agony
You sat next to me
and told me not to cry
that everything is okay
and you won't leave my side
Now I'm drifting to sleep
I can no longer stay awake
I'm not sure if I'm going to wake
But I really want to
You look me in the eyes
I remember this faintly from before
gazing into your brown eyes
you said I will love you forever
With all my strength
and everything that was in me
I said I will love you forever too
That probably will be the last thing I say
Now hours later
I wake up and look beside me
I see you
I see my family
My mom and dad looked horrified
to see me in this condition
But I was so happy to see them
and how they cared about me
About a year later now
I no longer feel I'm going to die
I am now with you
And as happy as can be

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