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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Lost Love > WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE

by Tony Pizzano
Looking back on our time together still brings me to tears
Where do I start? I wish I could tell you how much I still love you.
You're thousands of miles away from me.

I don't know what happened. All I have are my memories. You where everything at one point in my life,
But you have moved on now. You would think that I'd be over you by now, but I'm not. You will probably never read this but I have to let it out.
You left me with no real explanation I’m not a mind reader, you left me with nothing to go by.
How do you get on with your life and go on as if nothing happened. [How] what are you made of?
Every night in my dreams, I see your face. Your standing at the beach and the wind is blowing through your hair. I start to walk to you but as soon as I'm getting nearer to you ... You start fading away and I couldn't do anything about it ... I started to bow my head and began crying I find myself remembering everything about those beautiful moments with you.
There were never bad moments,
I always dream of you this way ... And as the days pass by, my love for you will never go, Please don't ask me why I still long for you ... for there's no one else but you that this heart of mine would love forever.

After saying all that I sit back and I take a deep breath. I say to myself isn’t strange you’re with someone for 12 years and you don’t know them at all,
You share your life your heart and hopes and dreams.
You give that person everything you could think of, but for some reason it’s never enough.
You work hard to have a good home you put so much into it, but in one minute it’s taken from you everything you worked so hard for is gone
One part of me can’t stop loving her,
The other part of me just wants her to suffer the way I have.
I’ve got so much anger inside of me that I’m afraid for myself?
Because the anger I have can kill
You can’t blame me for feeling this way.

Ok its time to put the cards out on the table?
You think I’m just feeling sorry for my self,
But I have every right to be, because I just don’t understand you.
The way you did it?
You got on with your life as if nothing happened, tell me how do you do that
Because I’m stuck here and I can’t get pass it.
I’m like a soldier shot in the stomach walking around and there’s this hole in me,
And it feels like my insides are going to fall out.

But you there’s nothing,
What we shared at least what I thought we did,
You got over it.
Could you show me how to do that I could use a little help?
Tell me how do you destroy ones life and start another one so quickly with someone else,
Tell me.
Because to me it’s just not right,
I pray to god every day that some how some where some one is going to hurt you so bad,
I just want you to feel the hurt the pain that I have because of you.
I know what you’re thinking? Yes he will get over it, and your right I will,
But not as quick as you did,

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