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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Lost Love > Gaping Wounds

Gaping Wounds
by Kyrie'
It came out of nowhere; from the darkness spoken was the truth.
Love can eliminate all hopes and dreams, it can take away your youth.
It makes you see what lies inside, that ever-beating heart.
It knows no boundaries, ripping you clean apart.
For those who have wielded, that power from deep within.
Knows that with every breath, it creates the most deadly sin.
For most are inexperienced, with matters of the soul.
It does not make you feel better; it does not make you whole.
It leaves you with a gaping wound, one big enough not to forget.
Who could forget the hurt caused, feeling as if you had been hit.
The pain is too unbearable; it hurts so deep down.
Feeling as if they were laughing at me, feeling like a clown.
Why did this have to happen to me, is not exactly understood?
But one thing is for certain, my resolve has withstood, the barrage of doubt that could be breaking me.
Creating this vulnerable monster, this monster I call me.
It was so final, to hear those words uttered.
You were not even man enough, when you told me, you muttered.
Where did the person I fell in love with, vanish without a trace.
It is as if you never existed, gone from time and space.
Tears fell like raindrops, from those sky blue eyes.
Severed were the binds, severed were the ties.
You ran like a coward, away from all sense.
You could not wish for hope, you knew you were too dense.
Ashamed you could be falling in love, hiding from what lay inside.
Did you ever stop to think of me, and how much that I cried.
You broke the heart of someone dear, never giving it a chance.
You cut straight through my heart, as if you were wielding a lance.
I hate you for leaving me; I hate you for fleeing.
I hate you for hurting me, leaving my life with no meaning.
What made you feel we could not last, throughout all the tough times?
What made you think, that I could never rhyme.
I hate the way you looked at me, with tear filled eyes so blue.
I even hate the way; I love you.
So go on and leave now, because I do not know what to say.
Leave before you see the tears, that I know will fall today.
You took away my happiness; you took away my dreams.
But you gave me something else, something greater it seems.
I have grown stronger, with each passing day.
I have grown strong enough, to tell you what I have to say.
You will never be strong in my eyes; you ruined that for yourself.
I can never rely on you, I can never ask for your help.
I need to know you hurt, so much it made you cry.
I need to know your hurt inside, so much you wanted to die.
Only then will you know a fraction, of the hurt caused by you.
I want to know how you feel, when I say I hate you.
Do you think of me often, do you think of me at all?
I want to know will you be there, to catch me when I fall.
You won’t be there, I’m sure of it.
I know you all too well, that’s sad isn’t it.
So go on and live your life, each day at a time.
And when you think of me, just remember my rhyme.

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