When I talk to you I cant help but my smile,
You make me forget I'm just a child,
I just don?t know what to do,
About the fact that I'm falling in love with you.
There's so much keeping us apart,
Even though I know if I was given a chance I would love you with all my heart,
But you said "I'll always be friends with you",
And I hope to god that its true
Cause without you here I just wouldn?t know what to do.
I know its only been a month and all of this just seems to be going so fast,
But you made me forget about my past,
and I know without you here as a friend I would never last.
That hug at the hotel just felt so right,
Even though in my heart I tried to fight,
How I felt but now I have given up fighting my feelings,
I'll just let them be,
And maybe one day we will both understand and see,
Why I feel this way and why I want you and me to be.
Even though we both know we can never cross that line,
Between your heart and mine,
I know as long as you?re my friend I will be just fine!