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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Sensual Love > The Tension Breaker

The Tension Breaker
by William Mae
I slide my fingers beneath your panties,
Pass the garden you display.
Pausing at your flowers entry,
Where my fingers slowly play.
I feel your heats drawing power,
I feel the softness of your skin.
I slowly enter with my finger,
As you pull me further in.
Your hips rock to forward motion,
Steady pace for what you seek.
Pleasure in the simplest action,
Takes you up on passions peak.

Our kisses deepen with each second,
Tongues drinking lovers wine.
Without intent their keeping rhythm,
Synchronized in perfect time.
Our lips part for sighing moments,
Cries of ecstasies release.
Heavy breath in rapid breathing,
With one goal, to only please.

Trailing kisses to your nipples,
Rising up to meet my lips,
Circling motions purchase pleasure,
With not a single pleasure missed.
Further down across your belly,
Nearing to your gardens gate.
I take in your flowers fragrance,
Craving now your flowers taste.
I slowly part your lips of passion,
Slip my tongue inside your door.
One taste is but an appetizer,
I go back while seeking more.
I slide my palm across your stomach,
Your hands holding to me tight.
In moans you rock me in your garden,
A quickened pace to our delight.
Your thighs tighten then start shaking,
To vibrate my lips below.
Releasing moans of sexual tension,
Before your hand will let me go.

I slide up along beside you,
With pleasured laughs you roll on top.
Your fingers wrap around my handle,
Gently holding passions rod.
Up and down your hand is moving,
Priming for what's next to be.
Lips tighten for my pleasure,
Then slide down the length of me.
Pausing there for passing moments,
Then repeat your destined coarse.
Up and down repeated motion,
Your lips are now my pleasured source.
You break your rhythm for fleeting moments,
Then return again to find,
An eager member waits attentive,
For the love that you provide.
I finally end the love your giving,
Stopping all your gentle play.
I want our love to find its climax,
In a much different way.

You are sitting now upon me,
My palms hold your rising breasts.
I enter slow into your chamber,
Feel the heat from your love nest.
Your hands rest upon my stomach,
As you slide me deep inside.
You increase your gentle bouncing,
To a fast and furious ride.
We can feel the friction rising,
Lighting up what once was dark.
To ignite a raging furnace,
Starting out with just a spark.
We explode through all life's tension,
To freedom only sex can claim.
A needed moment for our bodies,
Provided by a lovers game.

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