Love is heart touching feelings of two human beings. |
by Deena |  |
Love is like a favorite song; no matter how many times it plays again, you never get tired of it! |
by Kashaan |  |
Love is on the lips of many but in the hearts of a few. |
by Christopher Murdock |  |
you know your in love when you started thinking of you and that special someone as two instead of one and one. |
by Soul Thief |  |
love is when u look into his eyes and see his heart, and you suddenly forgot your own name xoxo |
by joyce hernandez |  |
love is when no matter what, he is who you are ,most comfortable with. |
by Brittany |  |
Love comes in unexpected forms, don't turn form it. |
by Water Lilly |  |
love is wanting nothing more than for him to be happy even if that means letting go and enduring your own heartbreak. |
by wendi |  |
Love is like the miraculous universe, you can't reach its egde, because it's endless and immortal! |
by Thermidor Jhonny |  |
Love is the only kind of fire which is never covered by insurance. |
by unique7nana |  |