Love is just a four letter word with so many meanings behind it. |
by Unknown |  |
Love is a flower that fades with the season. |
by Unknown |  |
Love is when you've ran out of excuses for hating someone. |
by Brandon Metzner |  |
Love, Hate, an army of both, it brings war against women and men. |
by Unknown |  |
Beauty lies within a person that is willing to do anything for their love, love is beauty within the heart. |
by Janel |  |
Love is looking into his eyes and without him telling me, knowng he's absolutly in love with me. |
by Liz |  |
Love is like the sun... it shines forever, keeping you warm, never ending, never cold, but it always shines just for you no matter what you do. |
by Elizabeth |  |
Love is like the sun, even if you reach it you have to put up with a few blisters. |
by Unknown |  |
Love is like an inferno; those who get close are consumed by the flames. |
by Mel |  |
Never forget that the most powerfull force on earth is love. |
by Wasim |  |